मराठी बोलींचे सर्वेक्षण

Survey of Dialects of the Marathi Language

  English | मराठी

Ego’s daughter’s father-in-law, ego’s son’s father-in-law, ego’s daughters mother-in-law, ego’s sons mother-in-law

Download Ego’s daughter’s father-in-law, ego’s son’s father-in-law, ego’s daughter’s mother-in-law, ego’s son’s mother-in-law

The lexical variants presented in the note below are arranged according to their frequency of occurrence in the survey data-from most frequent to least frequent.

The following words were noted in various geographical regions of Maharashtra for the concepts ‘ego’s daughters mother-in-law’, ‘ego’s son’s mother-in-law’, ‘ego’s daughter’s father-in-law’ and ‘ego’s son’s father-in-law’. Let us look at them in detail.

In an earlier linguistic survey ‘Maharashtracha bhashik nakasha: Purvatayari’ (Dhongde 2013), very few variants were observed for the kin relationships ‘son’s/daughter’s mother-in-law’ (wihiṇ) and son’s/daughter’s father-in-law’ (wyahi) in dialects of Marathi. The word iwai/wiwai was the only variant noted for the word wyahi while there was no variant noted for the word wihiṇ. However, the SDML survey reported the following variants: yin, wihin, in, yahin, yihin, səmdʰin, yehanis, soyri, wihanis, etc. The words yahin, yihin were reported mainly in the Dhule, Nandurbar, Nashik, and Jalgaon districts whereas the words yehanis, wihanis were reported by respondents of the Katkari community. The word soyri was reported predominantly in Raigad and Ratnagiri districts. Phonetic variants such as yin, wihin, wen, win were observed in all the remaining regions of Maharashtra. The words iwai, iway, wyai, yuway, soyre, wihis, yəhanas, wiha, etc. were reported as variants of the word wyahi. The word soyre was observed in Raigad and Ratnagiri districts while the words wihis, yəhanas, wiha were observed in Dhule, Jalgaon, Nashik, Nandurbar districts and among the Katkari communities in other districts.

It was observed that the same words were reported for the two concepts ‘son's mother-in-law’ and ‘daughter’s mother-in-law’ such as wihiṇ, yahin, yehanis, yen, in, hin, smdʰən, soyri, pahuni, etc. The word wihiṇ was noted in districts other than Akola, Parbhani, Hingoli. It was reported infrequently in Vidarbha region. Phonetic variations of this word include wihin, wihiṇ, wihinbay, wihinbai, winbai, wini, win, win, wʰinbai, wenbai, winbai, wyahin, wewaṇ, wyain, wyayni, wiha, wehani, wehini, wihini, wewʰain, etc. The word iwain was noted in Bhandara, Gondiya, Gadchiroli, Chandrapur and Nagpur districts; it was reported occasionally in Sangli district. Phonetic variations of this word include iwayni, iwaini, iwayin, etc. The word yahin was mainly observed in Palghar, Thane, Raigad, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Dhule, and Nandurbar districts. Phonetic variations of this word include yihin, yihini, yəyin, yəhin, yayin, yehini, yeyin, yehin, yahni, yayni, yahini, yain, yaini, yayen, hyain, yeṇin, yahin, yihin, etc.

The word yehanis was mainly noted in Warli, Katkari, Bhil, Kokna, Thakur, Mahadev Koli etc. tribal communities of Palghar, Thane, Raigad, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Jalna, Jalgaon districts. Phonetic variations of this word include ihanis, inis, yanis, yahnis, yahinis, yayinis, wyahyanis, wihaynis, wewʰanis, ihaynis, yehinis, yahanis, yehanis, wihas, wihanis, etc.

The word yen was reported in Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Kolhapur, Satara, Palghar, Ahmednagar, Aurangabad, and Osmanabad districts. Phonetic variations of this word include yeni, wen etc. The word in was reported all over Maharashtra except Nandurbar district. It was observed infrequently in Konkan and northern Maharashtra. It was also reported infrequently in Gondiya, Gadchiroli, and Dharni taluka of Amravati district. The words ini, yin, inbai, inibai, inbay etc. were reported as its phonetic variants. The word hin was reported in Latur and Nanded districts. Phonetic variations of this word include hin, hinbai, hini, etc. The word səmdʰən was observed in the Muslim communities of Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Beed, Aurangabad, Nashik, and Nanded districts; the Banjara communities of Nanded, Washim, and Yawatmal districts; the Chambhar communities of Dhule, Nandurbar, Nashik, and Aurangabad districts; the Korku, Bhalai, Bhavsar communities of Amravati district; the Kirad, Lodhi, Marar, Kalal, and Koshti communities of Nagpur district; and the Gond, Powar, Binjewar, Gowari, Kavar, etc. communities of Gondiya district. Phonetic variations of this word include səmdʰin, səmdʰən, səmdi, səmdin, səmdən, etc.

The word soyri was more commonly observed in Raigad and Ambernath taluka of Thane district. It was also observed in the Gujar community of Ratnagiri district, Warli community of Palghar district, Mahadev Koli communities of Latur and Nashik districts, Gond communities of Yawatmal and Nagpur districts, and Lingayat community of Osmanabad district. Phonetic variations of this word include soyri, soyre, soyrəs, soyrya, soyrə, soyriši, soyrini, etc. The word pahuni was noted infrequently in Solapur, Sindhudurg and Kolhapur districts. Phonetic variations of this word include pahuni, pahune, pawʰne, pawni, pawne, pawnibai, etc.

It was observed that the same words were reported for both the concepts ‘son’s father-in-law’ and ‘daughter’s father-in-law’. The words wyahi, iwai, yəhanas, səmdi, soyre, pahune etc. were mainly reported for these concepts. The word wyahi was more commonly noted in Konkan and northern Maharashtra. It was also widely noted in Pune and Sangli districts of western Maharashtra, Aurangabad district of Marathwada region, and Ahmednagar district. This word was noted in all districts except Gadchiroli, Akola, Jalna, Parbhani, and Beed. The words wyai, wiwahi, wiwai were reported as its variants in Vidarbha region while the words weway, wiha, wewai, etc. were reported as its phonetic variants only in Palghar district. The word yahi was reported in Thane, Palghar, Dhule, Jalgaon, Nandurbar, Nashik, Aurangabad, Ahmednagar, Pune, and Raigad districts. Phonetic variants of this word include yayi, yəyi, yahi, yəhi, yeyi, yehi, yai, yəi, etc. The word iwai was widely observed in rest of Maharashtra except Thane, Nandurbar, and Nashik districts. It was observed infrequently in Dhule, Jalgaon, Palghar, Raigad, Pune, Ahmednagar, and Sindhudurg districts. The phonetic variants of this word include iwəy, iway, yiwai, yiwəi, yiway, yiwəy, yiwayi, iwəyi, iwayi, iwahi, yuway, etc.

The word yəhanas was reported infrequently by respondents of the Warli, Katkari, Bhil, Mahadev koli, and Malhar koli communities of Palghar, Thane, Pune, Raigad, Nashik, Aurangabad, and Jalna districts. Phonetic variations of this word include yayis, wehis, wyahis, ihas, wihis, yehis, yəhanas, yahanas etc. The word səmdʰi was observed in the Muslim communities of Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri, Raigad, Aurangabad, and Beed districts; the Banjara communities of Washim and Nanded districts; the Chambhar communities of Nashik, Dhule, Nandurbar, and Aurangabad districts; and the Gond and Kavar communities of Gadchiroli district. It was mainly observed in the tribal communities of Bhandara, Gondiya, Jalgaon, Amravati, and Wardha districts. Phonetic variations of this word include səmdi, somdi, səməndi, səmdiǰi, etc.

The word soyre was more frequently reported in Raigad, Ratnagiri, and Thane districts. It was reported rarely in Pune, Palghar, Nashik, Nagpur, Wardha, Bhandara, Gadchiroli, Yavatmal, Latur, and Osmanabad districts. Phonetic variations of this word include soyra, soyrə, soyrəs etc. The word pahune was rarely noted in Kolhapur, Solapur, Nashik, and Jalgaon districts. Phonetic variations of this word include pawne, pawʰne, pawna, etc.


Dhongde, Ramesh. 2013. Maharashtracha Bhashik Nakasha: Purvatayari, Mumbai: Rajya Marathi Vikas Sanstha.